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Vision, Values & Goals

Vision Statement:

To give the gift of PIANO PLAYING and PASSION FOR MUSIC to the students that we teach, no matter how young or old.

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This includes:

  • primary school children

  • high school children

  • uni students

  • adults 

  • ANYONE who wants to learn some music and meet like-minded people who are passionate about music! 

Our Values

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Passion for music & piano

Passion = purpose = happiness (let’s spread it around)

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Fun & enjoyment

‘Piano’ and ‘Learning’ should be associated with positive words such as enjoyment, love and happiness, and not stress, worry or nervousness.

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Growth mindset

We model and teach our students that mistakes are good! We LEARN from mistakes and strive to do better next time – not fear them. 

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We aspire to instil determination in our students to succeed, to progress, to practise on their own accord and work hard during every lesson whilst having fun.

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Hard work

We work hard to make the lessons as enjoyable and worthwhile for the students, and want our students to work hard as well. 

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We aspire for our students to be persistent with their practice, persistent with their passion and persistent with their love for music, just like we are.

Our Goals

Our goal for clients:

  1. To empower you through the beauties of music 

  2. Provide the ‘superpower’ of playing piano

  3. To provide a great and relaxing non-technological break from the daily stressors of life

We aspire to do this by:

  • Building confidence in children early on by: encouraging and supporting them through the process & asking them to explain concepts so they can teach later down the track 

  • Setting achievable goals and staying accountable to them 

  • Establishing good practice routines and habits early on 

  • Providing a great non technological break (especially for high school & university students and adults)

  • Having fun and learning in a friendly and interactive environment! 

How do we do this?

  • We care about every single client who chooses us by:

  • Asking them about their goals with piano

  • Why they want to learn piano 

  • How they learn best 

… And we tailor the learning style and method book we use to them! 

  • We build a RELATIONSHIP with our clients by:

  • Taking a limited quota at a time (so we can build good relationships with our students)

  • Starting off the lesson with friendly chatter (we’re all humans and would love to get to know you)  

  • Not spamming your email with 500 emails every week! You get a monthly email featuring updates from the studio: pictures, videos, and competition results! 

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